Y-Axis Foundation Blog

Big Data in Biology is shaping the future

Posted on August 2, 2022
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Big Data in Biology is shaping the future

Biology is a dominant subject in present-day academia. Data analytics and machine learning have become integral parts of academic research and bio-related industrial areas. Data analysis techniques are essential for biology students. UG and graduate students in Applied Biology are expected to learn the basic concepts of data visualization, clustering, classification, and analysis of higher dimensional data.

Biotechnology and bioengineering involve data analysis, systems biology, and bioinformatics. Molecular networks and statistical physics are new interests for Applied Biology students.

Even in the medical field, doctors sometimes find the medical test readings awry. The anomaly in the reports puzzles them – making them automatically turn toward the data analytics experts.

The real impact is seen in the following spheres:

  • Bio-Pharma Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic made the biopharma field a demanding field of life sciences. Data science has become a tool to solve specific problems.

  • Genetics

Genetics research uses computational and statistical methods to decode information in DNA sequences.

  • Virology

The study of COVID-19 variants and their global impact became possible only through data analysis. The genetic dynamics of the variants periodically lead to the accurate prediction of mitigation strategies and the measures taken by WHO.

  • Stem-cell research

World-renowned stem cell research institutes in the U.S. are working towards cures for diseases through stem cell research. Big data-driven stem cell science helps in such research projects.

  • Microbiology

The visualization of disease maps using cross-sectional data by microbiologists is a pioneering effort in disease discovery.

  • Nutrition

Nutrition experts work on dietary intake and nutritional status in disease prevention. Population-based data help nutritionists get a clear picture of illnesses and epidemiology.

  • Insurance

Healthcare analytics generate learning models based on healthcare data that insurance companies use to improve services and lower healthcare costs.

  • Forensic science

Translation of forensic information into actionable intelligence is required in any forensic investigation. This interdisciplinary field lies at the interface of data analysis and forensic biology.

Those who want to pursue a career in the biological sciences should not think that they can completely deviate from mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The basics of these subjects are essential for bio students also.

Fundamental skills like Python and coding are needed for every science student. As the world is moving towards computational research, analytical skills are essential for bio-related subjects.

So, Bio students plan well and reach your desired destinations!

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